The value of title sets the control's title. If title is omitted, then the control does not have a title. Some controls (such
as entry fields, list boxes, and combo boxes) do not have titles. In these cases, any specified title is ignored.
If you change the title of a control and that control was created with the default sizing rules (did not have a size explicitly
specified for it), the control is resized based on the length of the new title.
You can specify a key letter in a title by including the "&" character immediately before the key letter. The key letter is
usually highlighted by the host system (under Windows, the key letter is underlined). The "&" character both defines the key
letter and performs the highlighting. The key letter indicates that the user can go to the appropriate field by typing the
key letter in combination with another key. Exactly how this occurs is system dependent. Under Windows, the user presses the
"Alt" key in conjunction with the key letter. Some systems do not support key letters, in which case the first "&" character
in a title is ignored. When the KEY phrase is used and an "&" character appears in title, the KEY phrase specifies the key
letter and the character following the "&" indicates the highlighted character.