A debugger script file contains keyboard input and menu selection information to automate the process of debugging a program.
To record a script, select Record Script rom the Debug menu. This command is equivalent to the ACUCOBOL-GT debugger’s File > Record Script command, and turns on a recorder that saves all of your keyboard input and menu selections to the file that you specify.
When the recorder is running, the Record Script menu option is replaced by a Stop Recorder option. Use this to end your recording. If you do not end your recording, nothing is saved in the file.
While the recorder is active, you cannot use the mouse for anything except selecting menu items.
The recorder can save up to 4096 characters of information. Normal keystrokes use one character. Special keys such as function keys and menu selections can use up to 4 characters.
To run a debugger script file, select Run Script from the Debug menu. This causes all input (debugger and program) to be read from the script. Control returns to the keyboard when the script is finished. This command is equivalent to the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime debugger’s File > Run Script command.