CASRS2100 - CASRS2119
CASRS2105I Number of load modules synchronized from the PAC CasLOADS Load module type (CICS, JES, etc) module(s) were synchronized from PAC PAC Name CasLOADS.
The current region downloaded and stored new load modules from the PAC.
CASRS2106E Thread Thread name could not connect to Redis server Redis server name at Redis server address port Redis port number, RC=Return code from connection attempt
The thread failed to connect to the Redis server.
CASRS2107E Error changing state of ITR record in PSOR to "State of ITR" RC=PSOR Return code. Type=Type of ITR, Action=Action on ITR, Resource=Resource
An error occurred whilst attempting to update the state of an ITR in the PSOR.
Parent topic:
CASRS - CASRAS Process Error Messages