seemmcconfig: manage the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) region definitions


             -add options
             -delete options
             -export options
             -import options

This command is used to administer the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI's region definitions configuration.


Add a new region definition to the configuration used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine.
Delete a region definition from the configuration used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine.
Export all region definitions from the configuration used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine.
Import region definitions into the configuration used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine.
List all region definitions from the configuration used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine.


Input filename (-import)
Output filename (-export)

Default : -out:regions.xml

Properties file to use for region start-up (-add)
Region name (-add, -delete)
Region start-up filename (-add)
Hostname of the system that will perform region start-up (-add)

Default : -server:localhost

-type:cics | jcl | jes
Type of region being defined. jcl and jes are synonymous (-add)
Use the default SQL Server instance (-add, -delete)
Use the specified SQL Server instance (-add, -delete)


  1. Export all of the currently configured regions used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine to regions.xml in the current directory
    seemmcconfig -export
  2. Export all of the currently configured regions used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine to c:\mydir\myregions.xml
    seemmcconfig -export -out:c:\mydir\myregions.xml
  3. Import the region definitions from c:\mydir\myregions.xml to the configuration used by the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine
    seemmcconfig -import -in:c:\mydir\myregions.xml
  4. Add the region definition for the CICS region named TEST. The region database will reside on the default SQL Server instance. The region start-up file associated with the region is named test.config and resides in the cross-region database
    seemmcconfig -add -region:TEST -type:cics -regionfile:crdb:test.config
  5. Delete the region definition for the region named TEST which resides on the localhost\SQLEXPRESS SQL Server instance
    seemmcconfig -delete -usedb:localhost\SQLEXPRESS -region:TEST
  6. List all region definitions that are configured for the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI on the local machine
    seemmcconfig -list