A partner JES region must be configured with SSTM if you want to use CICS spooling. To configure a partner JES region with
- Open the region startup file using the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI's Region Startup File Editor
- Select the
Region node in the
Results pane. A properties window is now displayed to the right-hand side of the
Results pane.
- Locate the
JES (ES for .NET) category in the properties window and enter the JES region's listener host name and port number as the values of the
ES host and
ES port properties respectively. A value for the
ES JES type property should be specified if JCL is to be submitted from the CICS region.
You must cold-start the region for the changes to take effect.
Note: The partner JES region and the listener service must be started before starting the CICS region.