Tutorial: Assembler Support Provides step-by-step instructions that walk you through the process of building a sample Assembler application in Enterprise Developer, configuring an enterprise server region on which to run the application, and testing the application in TN3270 mode.
Tutorials: CICS Includes tutorials that cover basic CICS support, CICS Web services, and Web-enabled CICS support.
Tutorial: DSNREXX This tutorial shows how to execute DB2 statements from within a DSNREXX procedure. This is done by creating a JCL project
and then associating it with an XA resource, enabling you to run a DSNREXX procedure using sample JCL provided with Enterprise Developer.
Tutorials: HCO for SQL Server (HCOSS) Includes tutorials that guide you through the process of using the HCOSS toolset to perform a DB2 database migration, and to use the Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT) to perform a DB2 database migration. They also provide three different scenarios in which you migrate a DB2 application to a SQL Server application.
Tutorials: IMS Includes tutorials for basic IMS support features, and for using the IMS Segment Layout Editor and IMS Database Editor data
Tutorials: Interface Mapping Toolkit - Mainframe Includes tutorials that guide you through the process of using the Interface Mapping Toolkit (IMTK) to define service interfaces
derived from a CICS screen definition in a BMS mapset, the COMMAREA of a CICS program, and the a IMS Screen definition in
an MFS map. In addition, each tutorial provides instructions for creating and configuring an enterprise server region on which to deploy the service interface to run as a Web service, and for accessing the Web service from one or more generated
Tutorial: JCL Takes you step by step through the process of configuring an enterprise server to run JCL applications, and then deploying
and running a JCL application.
Tutorial: Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT) Takes you step by step through the process of migrating a mainframe-based DB2 table on the mainframe to a local SQL Server
using Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT).
Tutorials: Open PL/I Includes tutorials that teach you the basics of how to use the Visual Studio IDE to create and debug your first "Hello PL/I World" application, how to develop a basic Open PL/I application, how to compile, link, and debug a CICS application, and how to access WebSphere
MQ features from PL/I programs.
Using the Rumba Screen Designer If you use Rumba for terminal emulation, you can use the Rumba Screen Designer to customize host sessions and provide a modern
interface with new features and capabilities.