CF0001E Region startup file "name of region startup file" not found
Description: The region start up file associated with the region could not be located.
System action: Start up process stops
User response: Ensure that the region file exists and is on the path specified
Module: Configuration
CF0002E Failed to configure region
Description: Region start up could not configure the region, normally due to a configuration error.
System action: Start up process stops
User response: Rectify the error and restart
Module: Configuration
CF0003E No "microfocus.cics" section found in the resource definition file
Description: The resource definition file is malformed. The region startup process cannot find the microfocus.cics section
it needs to perform start processing.
System action: Start up processing stops
User response: Ensure that the resource definition is correct. Check for XML errors
Module: Configuration
CF0004E An exception occurred accessing the master database:
exception message
Description: The master database hosted in the SQL server instance cannot be accessed.
System action: System halts
User response: Check the console log and
Applications and Services Logs > Micro Focus Server category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem (e.g. a logon failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0005I Created database "database name"
Description: A database was successfully created.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0006E Failed to create database "database name"
Description: A process could not create a required database.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Check the console log and
Applications and Services Logs > Micro Focus Server category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem (e.g. a logon failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0007E An exception occurred creating database "database name":
exception message
Description: A process could not create a database.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a logon failure might suggest a permission issue)
Module: Configuration
CF0008E An exception occurred accessing the cross-region database:
exception message
Description: A process could not access the cross-region database.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a logon failure might suggest a permission issue)
Module: Configuration
CF0009E An exception occurred creating region "region name":
exception message
Description: The specified region could not be created.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a logon failure might suggest a permission issue)
Module: Configuration
CF0010E SIT "SIT name" not found
Description: The SIT specified in the region configuration could not be found.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Check the region configuration and resource definition information and correct the error
Module: Configuration
CF0011E An exception occurred creating the CSA:
exception message
Description: The CSA database could not be created.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a logon failure might suggest a permission issue)
Module: Configuration
CF0012E An exception occurred creating a certificate:
exception message
Description: A process could not create a certificate.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a permission denied failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0013E An exception occurred creating a certificated login:
exception message
Description: A process could not create a certificated login.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a permission denied failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0014E An exception occurred preparing the certificate directory:
exception message
Description: A process could not create the certificate directory.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a permission denied failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0015E An exception occurred creating the transient tables:
exception message
Description: A process could not create a required table.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a permission denied failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0016E No "groups" found in the "microfocus.cics" section of the resource definition file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0017E An exception occurred creating file locations:
exception message
Description: File locations could not be created.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception message and rectify the problem (e.g. a permission denied failure might suggest a permission
Module: Configuration
CF0018E No "sits" found in the "microfocus.cics" section of the resource definition file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0019E No "startuplists" found in the "microfocus.cics" section of the resource definition file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0020I SQL Server instance created using
description of SQL Server product retrieved from SQL Server
Description: A SQL server instance was created.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0021I Using datasource "name of SQLServer instance retrieved from the database connection"
Description: The named datasource is being used.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0022I Successfully cold started region 'region name'
Description: The specified region has been started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0023I Using database "database name"
Description: The specified database is being used.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0024E An exception occurred accessing the database "database name":
exception message
Description: An exception occurred.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Check the console log and
Applications and Services Logs > Micro Focus Server category of the Windows event log for further information to help resolve the problem
Module: Configuration
CF0025I Successfully warm started region 'region name'
Description: Region was warm started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0026E Startup list "startup list name" not found
Description: The named start up list was not found.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0027I Using SIT "SIT name"
Description: The specified SIT is being used.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0028E An exception occurred warm starting region "region name" :
exception message
Description: An exception occurred.
System action: none
User response: Check the console log and
Applications and Services Logs > Micro Focus Server category of the Windows event log for further information to help resolve the problem
Module: Configuration
CF0029W Resource name "resource definition name" attribute "attribute name" has an invalid value "attribute type". Element ignored.
Description: An attribute in the resource definition has an invalid value.
System action: Element is ignored
User response: Correct the attribute
Module: Configuration
CF0030W Resource name "resource definition name" contains invalid character "character in error". Element ignored.
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0031W Unknown element "name of unknown element" ignored in "section name" section of resource definition file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0032E An exception occurred processing the resource definition file:
exception message
Description: An exception occurred processing the configuration file.
System action: none
User response: Study the exception message for clues and ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration,
and that the configuration file is well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0033W Missing "name" attribute on a "element name" element. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0034W Group "group name" defined more than once. First occurrence is used
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The first occurrence of the group is used
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0035W Group "group name" "resource types" defined more than once. First occurrence used
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The first occurrence is used
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0036W Unknown element "unknown element name" ignored in group "group name" section of resource definition file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0037W Missing "attribute name" attribute on a "resource type name" element in group "group name". Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0038W Unknown element "unknown element name" ignored in the "resource type name" definitions for group "group name"
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored.
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0039W Unknown element "unknown element name" ignored in the "section name" section of resource definition file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0040W Startup list "startup list name" defined more than once. First occurrence is used
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The first occurrence is used
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0041W Missing "name" attribute on group element for startuplist "startup list name". Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0042W Group "group name" does not exist for startuplist "startup list name". Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0043W Unknown element "unknown element name" ignored in the "startup list name" startuplist definition
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0044W Missing "path" or "url" attribute on "location" element in the "section name" section of the resource definition file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0045W Unknown element "unknown element name" ignored in the "PLT name" PLT definition
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0046E Cannot cold start CICS region 'region name'. Region currently in 'region state' state (started, starting, stopping)
Description: A cold start was requested but the region is already in a started, starting or stopping state.
System action: Start request is ignored
User response: Ensure that the region is in a stopped state before trying a cold start. If the region is already started,
stop it before trying a start. If it is in a starting state, wait for the start to complete. If it is in a stopping state,
then wait for it to stop. If it is in a starting or stopping state, and it doesn’t complete that action, you can try a force
Module: Configuration
CF0047E Cannot warm start
region type region 'region name'. Region currently in 'region state' state (started, starting, stopping)
Description: A warm start was requested but the region is already in a started, starting or stopping state.
System action: Start request is ignored
User response: Ensure that the region is in a stopped state before trying a warm start. If the region is already started,
stop it before trying a start. If it is in a starting state, wait for the start to complete. If it is in a stopping state,
then wait for it to stop. If it is in a starting or stopping state, and it doesn’t complete that action, you can try a force
Module: Configuration
CF0048E Cannot shutdown region 'region name'. Region currently in 'region state
' state (started, starting, stopping)
Description: A region stop/shutdown was requested but the region is already in a started, starting or stopping state.
System action: Shutdown request is ignored
User response: Ensure that the region is in a started state before trying a shutdown. If the region is in a starting state,
wait for the start to complete. If it is in a stopping state, then wait for it to stop. If it is in a starting or stopping
state, and it doesn’t complete that action, you can try a force stop
Module: Configuration
CF0049E An exception occurred shutting down region "region name" :
exception message
Description: The region could not be shut down, and generated an exception.
System action: Shut down is halted
User response: Study the exception for clues, and rectify the issue
Module: Configuration
CF0050I Successfully shutdown region 'region name'
Description: The region was shut down correctly.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0051I Shutdown of
region type region 'region name' starting
Description: A shutdown request was received and the shutdown sequence has started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0052I Cold start of region 'region name' starting
Description: A Cold start request was received and the region is starting.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0053I Warm start of region 'region name' starting
Description: A Warm start request was received and the warm start sequence has started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0054E No region startup file specified
Description: An attempt to control a region was made, but no region startup file was defined.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Specify a region start up file and try the operation again
Module: Configuration
CF0055E Invalid region startup file name specified
Description: An attempt to control a region was received but an incorrect region startup file was given.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Use a valid region startup file name and attempt the operation again
Module: Configuration
CF0056E No "microfocus.region" section found in the region startup file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0057E No "region" found in the "microfocus.region" section of the region startup file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0058E Invalid resource definition file name specified
Description: An invalid resource definition file name has been specified. Probably in the region start up file.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Use a valid resource definition file name and attempt the operation again
Module: Configuration
CF0059E Resource definition file "name of resource definition file" not found
Description: An invalid resource definition file name has been specified. Probably in the region start up file.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Use a valid resource definition file name and attempt the operation again
Module: Configuration
CF0060E No messages were received for region startup or shutdown processing. Region state unknown.
Description: The monitor has not been able to determine the state of the region.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Check that the infrastructure is correct (network, endpoint configuration etc) and retry
Module: Configuration
CF0061W Unknown element "name of unknown element" ignored in "section name" section of region startup file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0062E An exception occurred processing the region startup file
exception message
Description: An exception occurred whilst processing the region startup file.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed. An error in XML can create this sort of exception
Module: Configuration
CF0063W Element "element name" defined more than once. First occurrence is used
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The first occurrence of the element is used
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0064E Failed to connect to the region 'database name' database
Description: The region database could not be contacted.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the database is accessible, permissions are correct (the user ID that the process is running under
has access). Ensure that the database is running, that the database address is correct, ports are correct, protocols are correct
Module: Configuration
CF0065W Skipping invalid channel (no "name" element) in listener configuration
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: Element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0067W Unknown element "element name" ignored in listener configuration file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0068E An exception occurred processing the listener configuration file
exception message
Description: The listener configuration information contains an error that caused the listener to generate an exception.
System action: Listener halts
User response: Examine the exception for clues. Ensure that the listener configuration file XML is well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0069W Element 'element name' defined more than once for region 'region' in listener configuration file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0070W Missing "name" attribute on a "element name" element in the listener configuration file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0071W Region "region" defined more than once in the listener configuration file. First occurrence is used
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0072E Failed to start the event monitor service
Description: The event monitor service could not be started.
System action: none
User response: Check the console log and
Applications and Services Logs > Micro Focus Server category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
Module: Configuration
CF0073W WARNING - Forcing region termination - data may be lost
Description: The user has requested to force stop a region.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0074E Cannot warmstart region 'region name'. Region previously stopped using 'immediate' or 'force'
Description: A warmstart was requested on a region that had been shutdown with force or immediate.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Perform a cold start on the region
Module: Configuration
CF0075W only one of "path" and "url" attributes allowed on "location" element in the "section name" section of the resource definition file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0076W The "deploy" element must have a "target" attribute. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0077W Child elements of the "deploy" element must have a "file" attribute. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0078W Unsupported "target" value ""target" attribute" for deploy element. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0079E An exception occurred deploying files:exception message
Description: An attempt was made to deploy a file to a database which resulted in an exception.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Check the console log and
Applications and Services Logs > Micro Focus Server category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
Module: Configuration
CF0080W Missing "key" or "value" attribute on "add" element in the "section name" section of the resource definition file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0081E An exception occurred processing CICS override values:
exception message
Description: An exception occurred processing CICS override values.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Study the exception for clues, ensure that the CICS override configuration is correct
Module: Configuration
CF0082I Using region startup file "region startup file name"
Description: Region start up is using the region startup file name specified.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0083I Using resource definition file "resource definition file name"
Description: Region startup is using the resource definition file specified.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0084I Application binary "binary name" deployed to
table name from
file path.
Description: A binary file was successfully deployed to the database table specified.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0084W An application binary named "binary name" already exists in
table name. Skipping deployment of
file path.
Description: A deployment of a binary file to the database failed because it already existed.
System action: Action skipped.
User response: Make sure that the file does not exist in the table before you deploy. (Use the delete operation first to
make sure it does not exist.)
Module: Configuration
CF0085I Application binary "binary name" deployed to
table name from
file path.
Description: A binary file was successfully deployed to the database table specified.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0086I Using
configuration file name
Description: The configuration file specified is being used.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0087W Run wasreset to resolve this problem. If this error still occurs after running wasreset then run wassetup.
Description: A problem was detected that could be resolved by running wasreset from an enterprise server/developer command
System action: none
User response: Run wasreset to reset the IIs and WCF infrastructure. If this does not resolve the problem, run wassetup to
re-initialize the Micro Focus application pool and WCF infrastructure
Module: Configuration
CF0088I Loaded user SQL exit
user SQLexit assembly name
Description: The specified SQL user exit has been loaded into process.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0089I Initialized user SQL connection string
Description: The HCOS SQL connection string has been successfully initialized.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0090W Failed to initialize user SQL connection string
Description: The SQL connection string failed to initialize.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the SQL connection information is correctly using the HCO configuration tooling
Module: Configuration
CF0091W Failed to load user SQL exit
user SQLexit assembly name
Description: The SQL user exit assembly could not be loaded into process.
System action: none
User response: Check that the assembly is available, has been built correctly, and that the code within it is correct
Module: Configuration
CF0119I Cold starting
type of region region 'region name'
Description: The specified CICS or JES region is being started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0092W Unable to remove old certificate file "path to certificate file" on database server
database server name:
error message from script
Description: The system is unable to remove the certificate file from the database server.
System action: Removal failed
User response: The error message from script should contain enough information to allow the problem to be fixed. Since the
problem occurs on the database server system, you might need to consult the database administrator
Module: Configuration
CF0093E Unable to determine/create certificate directory on database server
database server name:
error message
Description: The directory that contains the certificates could not be determined or created.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Examine the error message for information to help resolve the issue. Consult the database administrator
Module: Configuration
CF0094E Error creating table
table name in cross-region database on server
DB server name:
message from SQL script
Description: The specified table could not be created within the cross region database on the specified database server.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Examine the message from the SQL script to help understand the issue
Module: Configuration
CF0095E Current user does not have permissions to start region "region name" on "server instance "server instance"
Description: The current user does not have the authority to start the region.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Make sure that the user has the required authority/permissions to start the region
Module: Configuration
CF0096E Error dropping stored procedure
proc name from database
DB name on server
DB instance:
exception messageSQL error code
Description: The specified stored procedure could not be dropped from the database.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Examine the exception message and SQL error code to help identify the underlying issue
Module: Configuration
CF0097E Exception occurred attempting to output console message Message :
console message Region :
region name Database server :
database server name Exception :
exception typeexception messageexception stack trace
Description: The system could not send a message to the console.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Examine the exception trace to help identify the problem
Module: Configuration
CF0098E An exception occurred attempting to determine IIS application pool configuration. The IIS application pool used to
run Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET must be configured with the "disallowOverlappingRotation" attribute set to "false".
Exception :
Description: The system could not determine the IIS application pool configuration.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the application pool is configured with disallowOverlappingRotation set to false
Module: Configuration
CF0099W Unable to determine the name of the current IIS application pool being used. Ensure that the IIS application pool
used to run Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET is configured with the "disallowOverlappingRotation" attribute set to "false".
Description: The system could not determine the IIS application pool configuration.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the application pool is configured with disallowOverlappingRotation set to false
Module: Configuration
CF0100W Unable to determine how the IIS application pool being used to run Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET is configured.
Ensure that the "disallowOverlappingRotation" attribute is set to "false" for this application pool.
Description: The system could not determine the IIS application pool configuration.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the application pool is configured with disallowOverlappingRotation set to false
Module: Configuration
Application pool name:
Name of IIS application pool CF0101W The IIS application pool being used to run Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET is configured with the "disallowOverlappingRotation"
attribute set to "true". Ensure that the "disallowOverlappingRotation" attribute is set to "false" for this application pool.
Description: The IIS application pool is configured incorrectly.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the application pool is configured with disallowOverlappingRotation set to false
Module: Configuration
CF0102E Error initiating region startup on
Name of machine
Description: The system could not initiate region start up for the region.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the region configuration is correct, check that the endpoints are configured correctly
Module: Configuration
CF0103E Error querying region startup progress on
Name of machine
Description: The system could not query region start up progress for the region.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the region configuration is correct, check that the endpoints are configured correctly
Module: Configuration
CF0104E Error during region startup completion on
Name of machine
Description: The system could not complete the region startup process.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Indicates a communication failure with the event monitor performing the termination of region start-up processing.
Generally benign, but look at previous messages for indication of failure or success of the operation
Module: Configuration
CF0105E Error initiating region shutdown on
Name of machine
Description: The system could not initiate region shut down.
System action: System halts
User response: Indicates an internal logic error. Contact Technical Support
Module: Configuration
CF0106E Error querying region shutdown progress on
Name of machine
Description: The system could query shutdown progress.
System action: System halts
User response: Indicates an internal logic error. Contact Technical Support
Module: Configuration
CF0107E Error during region shutdown completion on
Name of machine
Description: The system detected an error during shutdown completion processing.
System action: System halts
User response: Indicates a communication failure with the event monitor performing the termination of region shutdown processing.
Generally benign, but look at previous messages for indication of failure or success of the operation
Module: Configuration
CF0108E The properties file 'Name of properties file' does not exist
Description: The configured properties file could not be found.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Check the path to the file, and that the file exists
Module: Configuration
CF0109E An exception occurred reading the properties file 'Name of properties file':
exception message
Description: The configured properties file could not be read.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Examine the exception for the cause of the problem (e.g. permissions, file locked etc), and rectify
Module: Configuration
CF0110W Pseudo-variable 'pseudo-variable name' value not found for path 'path
Description: The configured properties file could not be read.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Examine the exception for the cause of the problem (e.g. permissions, file locked etc), and rectify
Module: Configuration
CF0111W The "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility" feature must be enabled to allow the system to determine
whether the IIS application pool used to run Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET is configured with the "disallowOverlappingRotation"
attribute set to "false".
Description: A query to determine some IIS configuration failed.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the required IIS features are installed and enabled
Module: Configuration
CF0112E Database server instance must be specified for a cross-region region startup file
Description: A region is configured to use a startup file from a cross region database, but the database instance has not
been defined.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Provide the database instance name that must be used for the region and retry the operation
Module: Configuration
CF0113E An exception occurred connecting to the database
database name Database server instance:
database server instance
Description: A connection to the database on the database server could not be made.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the database server is accessible, ports are correct, permissions are correct, DNS entries are
correct etc and try again. This is normally caused by a permissions or TCP problem
Module: Configuration
CF0114E Invalid region startup file type 'type' specified
Description: The region start up type is invalid.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Ensure that the start up type is correct and retry the operation
Module: Configuration
CF0115W Initiator 'name' must be specified. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: The element is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0116W Initiator 'count' must be in the range 1 -
maximum initiator count allowed. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0117W Initiator 'class' characters must be 'A-Z', 'a-z' or '0-9'. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0118W At least one initiator class must be specified by the 'class' attribute. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: none
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0119I Cold starting
type of region region 'region name'
Description: The regions specified is being cold started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0120I Warm starting
type of region region 'region name'
Description: The regions specified is being warm started.
System action: none
User response: none
Module: Configuration
CF0121E Cannot start
region type region 'region name'. Region currently in 'region state
' state (started, starting, stopping)
Description: The region could not be started as the region is in an invalid state to be started.
System action: Operation terminates
User response: Make sure the region is in a stopped state and retry the start
Module: Configuration
CF0122W Element "element name" defined more than once in the global configuration file. First occurrence is used
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: EMI
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0123W Unknown element "name of unknown element" ignored in "section name" section of the global configuration file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: EMI
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0124W Ignored XA resource with empty or missing name in the "xaresources" section of the global configuration file
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: XA resource is ignored
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0125W Unknown type for resource "name of resource" in the "xaresources" section of the global configuration file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: EMI
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0126W Empty or missing open string for resource "name of resource" in the "xaresources" section of the global configuration file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: EMI
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0127W Resource "name of resource" already defined in the "xaresources" section of the global configuration file. Element ignored
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: EMI
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed
Module: Configuration
CF0128W A machine at the endpoint 'remote endpoint' is running an earlier version of Enterprise Server for .NET and does not support the level of functionality required to
perform an attempted remote operation. Please upgrade the target machine(s) to ensure the system can provide consistent run-time
Description: The machine at the specified endpoint is running a back level version of the product that does not support the
functionality required.
System action: none
User response: Make sure that all the machines being used for this Enterprise Server for .NET installation are at the latest
Module: Configuration
CF0129W Invalid value for attribute
attribute name (must be "true" or "false"). Assuming "false".
Description: A configuration error in a configuration file has occurred.
System action: A value of false is assumed
User response: Ensure that the configuration file contains the correct configuration, and that the configuration file is
well formed