Statistics: View Statistics for a Region

To locate this screen

  1. In the Tree pane under SEE Administration, select Regions.
  2. In the list, select the region to view.
  3. In the Actions pane, select Statistics.


This screen displays the statistics for a region. The screen displays Active when the region is started, and Not Active when the region is not started.

The time interval over which the collected statistics apply.
  • Select 1 Minute to display statistics on transactions that run over each one minute interval.
  • Select 15 Minutes to display statistics on transactions that run over each 15 minute interval.
Auto-refresh time (seconds)
The number of seconds between display refreshes.
Task/sec, Avg. Latency(ms), and Avg. Task(ms)
A legend that shows the colors used for the corresponding information displayed in the time grid below:
  • Task/sec - tasks processed per second
  • Avg. Latency(ms) - the average latency per task, reported in milliseconds
  • Avg. Task(ms) - the average number of tasks performed per millisecond
Latency; Task
A bar line that indicates latency statistics per task.
A bar line that indicates the number of tasks per second.
Time grid
A graphical representation of statistic values reported by the set time interval.