seedispatch parameter parameter . .
Starts a self-hosted dispatcher and optional start listener, SEP, and console viewer processes. An event monitor starts if one is not already started.
Passed to the started console viewer process, or ignored if -nocv is specified. Prefixes each console message with the date and time it was created.
You can also enter a numeric value to specify the width of the console window. If the value for <number-of-columns> is greater than the maximum width supported for a Windows Console, the value is set to the maximum width.
Default database server on the local machine: | -usedb |
Default database server on the local machine, identical to -usedb: | -usedb:(local) |
Specific database server on the local machine: | -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS |
Default database server instance on a specific machine (SC1 used in example) | -usedb:SC1 |
Specific database server instance on a specific machine (SC1, SQLEXPRESS used in example for machine name, database server name) | -usedb:SC1\SQLEXPRESS |
You can use a seedispatch.config configuration file to configure the behavior of seedispatch. In the current release, the maximum TCP and named pipe connections supported by the exposed WCF services, the default port for the WCF services, and CTF tracing can be configured.
<configSections> <sectionGroup name="MicroFocus.SEE.Dispatch"> <section name="services" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" /> </sectionGroup> </configSections> ... <MicroFocus.SEE.Dispatch> <services> <add key="NetNamedPipe.maxConnections" value="20" /> <add key="NetTcp.maxConnections" value="20" /> </services> </MicroFocus.SEE.Dispatch> ...
seedispatch -region:ESDEMO -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS -automatic -listener
The following command configures a WAS-hosted Dispatcher and SEP. This example starts a listener and console viewer for the ESDEMO region. The console viewer starts with a 132-column wide window and the date and time of creation prefixes each message output.
seedispatch -was -nowait -region:ESDEMO -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS -automatic -listener -showtime:132