Lodges CASMG0001I messages in the splmsg.dat list for a job.






CASMG0001I messages are produced when a program running in a JCL job does 'display upon console'. These messages, along with others, are lodged in the splmsg.dat file. When the job information is displayed in ESCWA/ESMAC, these messages are also shown.

There is a limit of 65535 messages per job. If that limit is exceeded, the last messages sent will overwrite the last message already lodged in splmsg.dat.

There is a way to work around this, if your program outputs a lot of messages. You can set ES_JES_CONSOLE_MESSAGES=N in order to avoid storing the messages in splmsg.dat. Whatever this setting, the CASMG0001I messages will still be included in the JESYSMSG for the job.

There is also a Job statement extension so that this can be configured on a job by job basis - see the line below. See JOB Statement Extensions for more details.