The column sorting context menu contains the following options:
Menu option | Description |
Sort Descending | Sorts the list contents in a descending order. The same result can be obtained by simply clicking the column heading. |
Sort Ascending | Sorts the list contents in an ascending order. The same result can be obtained by simply clicking the column heading. |
Group by This Column | Groups the list according to the contents of the selected column if the Group Panel has been enabled. |
Remove This Column | Deletes the selected column. |
Column Selector | Displays a Customize window that contains a list of columns that have been removed previously. A column can be restored by performing a drag-and-drop operation to the desired position in the list. A column can be removed from a list by performing a drag-and-drop operation from the list to the Customize window. |
Alignment | Aligns the content of the columns to the center, right, or left as specified by the user. |
Best Fit | Resizes the selected column to allow the content of each record to be displayed. The same result can be obtained by double-clicking the column's external margin. |
Pick Color | Allows the color of the selected column to be changed. |
Pick Font | Allows the font, font style, size, color, and script to be changed. |
Best Fit (All Columns) | Resizes all the columns from the list to allow the content of each record to be displayed. |