The special registers SORT-CORE-SIZE, SORT-FILE-SIZE, SORT-MODE-SIZE, SORT-RETURN and TALLY are supported as described in
the section
Special Registers.
The following additional behaviors are in effect when the DIALECT"BS2000" Compiler directive is set:
- The BYTE-LENGTH special register is supported and generates a value representing the current number of bytes of storage used
by the specified data name. The expression can be used wherever a numeric data item can be used except as a subscript or a
reference modifier.
- The LENGTH OF special register returns the number of characters of storage used by the specified data name. (LENGTH OF returns
the number of bytes under the effect of DIALECT"MF".)
- The RETURN-CODE special register has the description PIC S9(8) COMP-5 SYNC. (This comes under the control of the RTNCODE-TYPE
Compiler directive: RTNCODE-TYPE"COMP5" is set by DIALECT"BS2000".)