When performing a SORT or MERGE operation, truncation may occur because the record length specified in the input file is greater
than the record length specified in the sort file.
You should amend the record length of either the input file or the sort file, as stated in the syntax rules for the SORT
and MERGE statements. The SORT statement rule reads:
- If the USING phrase is specified and the file referenced by file-name-1 contains variable-length records, the size of the
records contained in the file referenced by file-name-2 must not be less than the smallest record nor larger than the largest
record described for file-name-1. If the file referenced by file-name-1 contains fixed-length records, the size of the records
contained in the file referenced by file-name-2 must not be larger than the largest record described for the file referenced
by file-name-1.