Supported Operating Systems and Third-party Software

Lists operating systems supported and tested with the Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Test Server software products, and third-party software supported by major features within these products.
Attention: This topic provides a summary of operating systems and third-party software supported across the Visual COBOL / Enterprise Developer suite of products. Not all software and/or software versions listed here are supported by every product in the suite. See the Additional Software Requirements topic for details pertaining to this product.

Windows Operating Systems

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All supported Windows operating system versions have been tested with all listed Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Test Server product releases. Each listed Windows operating system version and its subsequent updates are supported.

  Micro Focus Product Release
Operating System 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Windows 8.1 Check mark    
Windows 10 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Windows 11 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Windows Server 2012 R2 Check mark    
Windows Server 2016 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Windows Server 2019 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Windows Server 2022 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark

Linux/UNIX Operating Systems

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Micro Focus has tested the operating system base versions with corresponding Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Test Server product releases. Any of these release that supports a given operating system base release also supports any subsequent minor releases provided by the vendor.

    Enterprise Developer Product Release
Operating System Base Processor 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
AIX 7.1.x (where x >=4) 1 IBM Power System 2 Check mark Check mark  
AIX 7.2 1 IBM Power System 2 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
AIX 7.3 IBM Power System 2 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Amazon Linux 2 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Amazon Linux 20238 Intel x64 Check mark
CentOS 7 1 Intel x86-64 Check mark Check mark
CentOS 8 3 Intel x86-64 Check mark  
Rocky Linux 8 Check mark
Rocky Linux 9 Check mark Check mark
HP - UX 11.31 1 Itanium Check mark5    
Oracle Linux - Red Hat Compatible Kernel 6 Intel x86-64      
Oracle Linux - Red Hat Compatible Kernel 7 Intel x86-64 Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark 1
Oracle Linux - Red Hat Compatible Kernel 8 Intel x86-64 Check mark Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark
Oracle Linux - Red Hat Compatible Kernel 9 Intel x86-64 Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark
Oracle Linux - Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 6 Intel x86-64      
Oracle Linux - Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 Intel x86-64 Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark 1
Oracle Linux - Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 8 Intel x86-64 Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark 1
Oracle Linux - Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 9 Intel x86-64 Check mark 1 Check mark 1 Check mark 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Intel x86-64 1      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 IBM Z System 1      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Intel x86-64 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 IBM Z System 1      
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Intel x86-64 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 and later IBM Z System 1,2 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Intel x86-64 Check mark 6 Check mark Check mark
Oracle Solaris 11 1,4, 7 Intel x86-64 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Oracle Solaris 11 1, 7 SPARC Check mark Check mark Check mark
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark Check mark
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 IBM Z System 1 Check mark Check mark Check mark
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 IBM Z System 1 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Ubuntu 18.04 1 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark  
Ubuntu 20.04 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Ubuntu 22.04 Intel x64 Check mark Check mark
1 Not supported by Eclipse.

2 64-bit-only

3 The end-of-life date for this platform is 31 December 2021. We recommend that you check CentOS 8 end-of-life notices before using this platform.

4 Not supported on Visual COBOL products

5 Supported in 7.0 until December 2025, in line with the vendor's lifecycle policy for this operating platform. Customers requiring additional coverage should discuss Extended Support + options with their Micro Focus account manager.

6 Supported starting with release 8.0 Patch Update 3.

7 Solaris OS will no longer be supported in releases 10.0 and later.

8 Not supported by the Eclipse-based products as some required packages are not supplied with the version of the OS.

Important: The following platforms only support a 64-bit version of this product - Amazon, SUSE, SUSE 390, Red Hat 390, and Ubuntu, and some product installers for Red Hat Linux. 64-bit versions of the product support compiling to and running 64-bit programs only.

IBM Mainframe Operating Systems

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Operating System Enterprise Developer Product Release
7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
z/OS 2.3 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
z/OS 2.4 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
z/OS 2.5 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

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  Enterprise Developer Product Release
IDE 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Check mark Check mark
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Check mark Check mark
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022   Check mark Check mark Check mark
Eclipse v4.28 1 Check mark
Eclipse v4.24 2 Check mark
Eclipse v4.20 2   Check mark
Eclipse v4.16 2 Check mark  
Eclipse v4.7    
Eclipse v4.8    
Microsoft VS Code v1.x Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
1 Installed automatically with Eclipse-based products, and requires Java 17.

2 Installed automatically with Eclipse-based products, and requires Java 11.


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  Enterprise Developer Product Release
.NET version 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
.NET Core 3.1 Check mark    
.NET 6   Check mark Check mark
.NET 8 Check mark

Java JDK

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  Enterprise Developer Product Release
Java 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
IBM JDK 1.74 Check mark    
IBM JDK 1.84 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Oracle JDK 1.8 / 8 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Oracle JDK 11 6 Check mark Check mark Check mark
Oracle JDK 17 6 Check mark7 Check mark
Oracle JDK 21 6 Check mark8
AdoptOpenJDK 8 Check mark    
Adoptium's OpenJDK Temurin 8 2,5 Check mark Check mark
Adoptium's OpenJDK Temurin 11 Check mark 1,2,5 Check mark 1,2,5 Check mark 1,2,5 Check mark7
Adoptium's OpenJDK Temurin 17 Check mark 1,2,5,8 Check mark 1,2,5,8 Check mark 1,2,5,8 Check mark 1,2
Adoptium's OpenJDK Temurin 21 Check mark 2,8
AdoptOpenJDK 11 OpenJ9 3,5 Check mark    
1 Installed with Enterprise Developer products for Windows platforms.

2 Not supported on AIX platforms; use the IBM Semeru Runtime OpenJDK instead.

3 See the Adoptium Web site for more information about OpenJ9.

4 Supported on IBM platforms only. In 10.0 only supported for JCA. See Application Server JCA Support for Enterprise Server for details.

5 A minimum of Java 11 is required to install and run the Eclipse IDE.

6 Not supported for containerized deployments.

7 Supported for JCA only. See Application Server JCA Support for Enterprise Server for details.

8 Not supported for JCA. See Application Server JCA Support for Enterprise Server for details.


Java Application Servers

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Attention: This list represents the Java Application Servers and versions supported across Enterprise Developer software products, and does not provide details with regard to this specific product or its features. For this information, see the Additional Software Requirements topic.
  Enterprise Developer Product Release
Java Application Servers 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Apache Tomcat 9.0 Check mark    
Apache Tomcat 10.0   Check mark  
Apache Tomcat 10.1   Check mark Check mark
IBM WebSphere 8.5.5 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark3
IBM WebSphere 9.0 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark3
IBM WebSphere Liberty y.0.0.x (where y >= 22) 1 Check mark Check mark Check mark
IBM WebSphere Liberty y.0.0.x (where y >= 23) 1 Check mark
JBoss EAP 7.4 2 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Oracle WebLogic 12.2.x Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark3
Oracle WebLogic 14.1.x   Check mark Check mark Check mark3
1 Websphere Liberty is made available as a single stream continuous delivery software lifecycle. Micro Focus does not test all updates to Liberty but does periodically test the latest release of WebSphere Liberty against the latest available Enterprise Developer product release.

Micro Focus will make reasonable efforts to resolve product issues against supported releases of Liberty and in accordance with the Enterprise Developer product lifecycle policy. Micro Focus might require you to update to a newer release of Liberty to remedy a Support case.

2 Micro Focus will make reasonable efforts to resolve product issues against supported minor releases of JBOSS EAP 7.x and in accordance with the Micro Focus product lifecycle policy. Micro Focus might require you to update to a newer minor update release of JBOSS EAP 7.x to remedy a Support case.

3 Not supported for JVM COBOL; supported with JCA only.

Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs)

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All RDBMS testing is done on both 32- and 64-bit platforms based on RDBMS client software availability.

Attention: This list represents RDBMSs and versions supported across Enterprise Developer software products, and does not provide details with regard to this specific product or its features. For this information, see the Additional Software Requirements topic.
  Enterprise Developer Product Release
RDBMS 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 2.x (10.x) Check mark
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 3.x (11.x) Check mark Check mark
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 4.x (12.x) Check mark
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 12.x Check mark
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 13.x Check mark Check mark
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 14.x Check mark Check mark
Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL 15.x Check mark
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 12.x Check mark
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 13.x Check mark Check mark
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 14.x Check mark Check mark
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 15.x Check mark
Oracle 19c ( Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Oracle 21c   Check mark Check mark
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Check mark Check mark  
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Check mark Check mark
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
IBM DB2 LUW 10.5 Check mark    
IBM DB2 LUW 11.1 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
IBM DB2 LUW 11.5 Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
EDB PostgreSQL 10.x Check mark    
EDB PostgreSQL 11.x Check mark Check mark  
EDB PostgreSQL 12.x Check mark Check mark Check mark
EDB PostgreSQL 13.x   Check mark Check mark Check mark
EDB PostgreSQL 14.x   Check mark Check mark
EDB PostgreSQL 15.x Check mark
GDG PostgreSQL 10.x Check mark    
GDG PostgreSQL 11.x Check mark Check mark  
GDG PostgreSQL 12.x Check mark Check mark Check mark
GDG PostgreSQL 13.x Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
GDG PostgreSQL 14.x Check mark Check mark
GDG PostgreSQL 15.x Check mark
MySQL 5.7 Check mark    
MySQL 8.0   Check mark Check mark Check mark

Database Client Software

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Attention: This list represents database client software supported across Enterprise Developer software products, and in some cases, the components that use them. It does not provide details with regard to this specific product or its components. For this information, see the Additional Software Requirements topic.
Client Release Enterprise Developer Component(s)
.NET database providers Consult the RDBMS documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of .NET are compatible. OpenESQL
.NET Framework providers Consult the RDBMS documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of ADO.NET are compatible. OpenESQL


ODBC Consult the RDBMS documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of ADO.NET are compatible. OpenESQL


Database Connectors

JDBC Consult the RDBMS documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of ADO.NET are compatible. OpenESQL
ADO.NET Consult the RDBMS documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of ADO.NET are compatible. OpenESQL


IBM Data Server Runtime Client, which includes ODBC, JDBC, CLI, and .NET support Consult the IBM documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of IBM Data Server Runtime Client are compatible. OpenESQL


Database Connectors

IBM Data Server Client, which includes ODBC, JDBC CLI, and .NET support Consult the IBM documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of IBM Data Server Client are compatible. OpenESQL


Database Connectors

Oracle Client, Oracle Instant Client with Pro*COBOL, and OCI support Consult the Oracle documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of Oracle Client or Oracle Instant Client are compatible. OpenESQL


Database Connectors

IBM Informix ESQL/COBOL 1 7.3 or later COBSQL
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Consult the SQL Server documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of Database Connectors Drivers are compatible. HCOSS
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Consult the SQL Server documentation specific to your installed RDBMS to determine which version(s) of Database Connectors Drivers are compatible. HCOSS
Sybase Open Client Embedded SQL/COBOL 1 11.1 or later COBSQL
1 Not tested.