CCI Message Table

The following is a list of status numbers returned which may be produced from CCI modules, along with a brief explanation of their meaning, and, if applicable, a suggestion as to how to resolve the issue being reported. Status numbers which are produced to aid coding of CCI applications have been included in this list.

Message Number Severity Reason Resolution
0000 Information The last operation completed successfully No action to take
0001 Information The last operation timed out prior to completion. Increase time-out periods if the application allows, or check the status of the remote application to ensure that its host system is still functioning.
0002 Information A buffer given to a CCI receiving operation was too small to contain the incoming data stream. This is a warning intended for applications designers. Contact us if you suspect that this is actually causing a problem.
0003 Error A bad parameter was given to a CCI function. This is a application coding problem. Contact our technical support department and report any of these errors that appear.
0004 Warning This is only generated from a Service initiation. This status indicates that a Service with the same name was previously registered at the same network address. No action required, the current Service is now registered with the network, connecting clients will connect to this Service.
0005 Error This is only generated from a Service initiation. This status indicates that a Service with the same name was previously registered at the same network. Two services cannot exist on some networks with the same Service name, choose another name to start this Service with.
0006 Error A name parameter passed being used to start a client or a Service was invalid. The range of valid names differs for underlying protocols, please see the sections for the relevant CCI module for the protocol in use for this information.
0007 Error An attempt was made to use a connection which has already been terminated. This is a application coding error, contact our technical support department and report any occurrence of this error.
0008 Error A broken connection was detected on this link. Check the status of the network supporting this link and determine whether the problem lies at the network or at the machine at the far end of the link.
0010 Warning The CCI module in use was too busy to complete the request. Allow some of the outstanding CCI actions to complete before trying again.
0011 Warning The CCI module discovered that the system was too low on memory to complete an action. Close any unwanted applications, and free up some memory to allow the application to continue.
0012 Error No service was found, the client could not complete a connection request. Check the address passed as a location to the client and try again.
0013 Error The address specified in the direct addressing modes would not accept a client connection. Check the address passed as a location to the client and try again. The service listening at the far end may not be compatible with a CCI client.
0014 Error An error occurred when creating a network endpoint. The local network service provider was incapable of creating a new connection point, this usually means that a resource limit has been reached, or that the network itself is disabled. Check the system status and raise network resources as appropriate.
0015 Error A transport error has occurred CCI full network transport failure has been reported to CCI from the transport provider. Check the network status, correct any problems that are found and try again.
0016 Error A CCI support module was not found on the network. Some CCI protocols and configurations require network support modules, such as CCITCP2, please check to ensure that you have configured your network correctly to use CCI, and that the required support modules are running before starting CCI, then try again.
0017 Error A transport connection error has occurred Where possible CCI will distinguish between this message and message 0016. This message indicates that an individual connection has failed, rather than a general network failure occurring. Check the application at the far end of the link to ensure that it is still functioning.
0018 Information An asynchronous call has not completed yet. This status is intended for application programmers to monitor the status of an ongoing operation, it may be ignored by end users.
0019 Information An asynchronous call has completed correctly. This status is intended for application programmers to monitor the status of an ongoing operation, it may be ignored by end users. It is functionally equivalent to status "0000".
0020 Information An asynchronous call has completed part one of a two part operation.. This status is intended for application programmers to monitor the status of an ongoing operation, it may be ignored by end users.
0021 Error An error occurred when closing a session. This could be a network or operating system failure, however a failure at this time may not affect the overall running of an application. Contact our technical support department if you suspect that this is actually causing a problem.
0022 Error This is only generated from a Service termination. Could not de-register a service There was a problem when terminating a service that prevented it being de-registered from the CCI support modules such as CCITCP2, or from the network provider itself. Subsequent attempts to start a Service with the same name will generate messages 0004 or 0005 depending upon the network which is being used.
0023 Error This is only generated from a Service application. A client connection could not be completed due to a network level error condition. The network service provider reported a failure to allow a full connection of an incoming client. Check the connecting clients to determine which of them is failing to connect, then check the network provider on the client and server machines for version compatibility.
0024 Error A call to HANGUP a server session could not complete as data was still queued. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0025 Error Transport initialization failure, INITCLIENT could not find CCITCP2, The UDP support in the TCP/IP service provider configuration may be switched off, or may have run out of available resources. Ensure that UDP is enabled and that sufficient sockets are available, then try again.
0026 Error Transport initialization failure during INITCLIENT. Check the version details of the network service provider to ensure that CCI is compatible with this level of network provider.
0027 Error A call to CCI-Query was made with an invalid session handle. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0028 Error A call to CCI-Wait was made with an invalid session handle. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0029 Error Parameters were incorrectly passed to the call named in the text. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0030 Error A listen call failed as the machine was too busy to receive any more incoming client connections. The system configuration is too small to support the connection load being used, either increase the system capacity for the protocol in use, or reduce the load on this specific system by examining other possible alternative to using this system.
0031 Error A CCI function detected a transport failure during an attempt to receive a data buffer. The network, or the machine at the far end of the connection, experienced an error condition, correct the network error and try again.
0032 Error CCI-Transact function detected a transport failure during an attempt to send a data buffer. The network, or the machine at the far end of the connection, experienced an error condition, correct the network error and try again.
0033 Error CCI-Transact function detected a transport failure during an attempt to receive a data buffer. The network, or the machine at the far end of the connection, experienced an error condition, correct the network error and try again.
0034 Error CCITCP could not find an entry for "mfcobol" in the "services" TCP/IP configuration file. An entry such as : 'mfcobol <TAB> 86/udp' must be included in the file for CCI to establish a registration ,or make a registration enquiry with a CCITCP2 module.
0035 Error The far end of a connection has been reset. Check this status of the remote end of a connection as it appears to have dropped off the network.
0036 Information CCITCP2 could not be found, a CCI Service could not de-register correctly from CCITCP2. The Service registration module, CCITCP2, may have been closed or the network link to the machine hosting CCITCP2 may have died. If CCITCP2 is still running any requests for this Service will find a registration which is not responding to Client connection attempts. Any further requests to register the Service by the same name will get a status "0004" returned as it was already registered. See the CCITCP configuration guide for further details about using CCITCP2.
0037 Error An invalid service handle was passed to the CCI function named in the text. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0038 Error An invalid async' request handle was passed to CCI-Query or CCI-Wait. This message has been superseded by "0027" and "0028" and should only be found on older CCI installations. See "0027" and "0028" for the correct action to take.
0039 Warning A data buffer and length combination given to CCI crossed a segment boundary in memory. Data was truncated at this boundary. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0040 Error A call to CCI-Suspend was made prior to a call to CCI-Resume. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0041 Error A call to initialize a network service provider has failed Check the network support for the system and correct any problems found, then try again.
0042 Error Could not attach to a Network Server This CCIIPX message indicates that no NetWare server has been found on your network. CCIIPX cannot operate with a NetWare server on its network and so cannot continue.
0043 Error Cannot connect to an incompatible version of CCI A connection has been requested between dissimilar CCI installations, this has been detected and to prevent possible data flow problems a connection cannot be completed. please check the revisions in use and update the CCI installations as required before trying again.
0044 Error Could not register a service This could be a configuration error, see CCITCP2, or the underlying network could have failed to allow the registration due to insufficient capacity of available resources, see message 0025.
0045 Error A bad address was passed to a CCI initialization call. Check that the addresses used in the configuration are of the correct style and content for the CCI module being used, then try again.
0046 Error CCIAPPC failed to locate an APPC session Ensure that the local LU is defined for this session.
0047 Error A call to CCI failed as CCI has already been terminated. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0048 Error A bad data buffer location was passed to CCI for use in sending or receiving data. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0049 Error CCI-Trace was unable to create trace output files for the CCI module named in the text. There may be insufficient space left on the fixed disk to hold the data trace file. Please clear some space and try again.
0050 Error The requested CCI-TRACE output file could not be opened Check that write permissions are available for the user of the application being traced, and that there is sufficient disk space remaining to store the trace file before trying again.
0051 Error An unexpected CCI error has occurred. This is an internal CCI error. Contact our technical support department.
0052 Information This status is reserved for future use.  
0053 Information This status is reserved for future use.  
0054 Information This status is reserved for future use.  
0055 Warning Cannot send or receive data on a suspended session. This is an application coding error. Contact our technical support department.
0056 Error Client found a registered service but could not make a connection.
0057 Error Insufficient permission to complete an operation. Check the process permissions for the configuration files being used.
Note: If this error is reported during a failure to start CCITCP2, MFDS, or a listener on UNIX. All UNIX and Linux environments require root user permission to start TCP/IP services on reserved ports. These are typically port values lower than 1024
0060 Error Protocol does not support the requested operation. Use a different protocol or do not attempt this operation.
0061 Error The requested operation has been disabled. Internal error, please contact OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products.
0062 Error CCITCP SSL_new call failed - internal resource limitation error. A system or process limit has been reached. Please retry using fewer TCP/IP connections to the system. If this does not resolve the issue then reduce the number of listeners being used in this process.
0063 Error CCITCP SSL_Connect call failed - maybe an un-trusted Server. CCITCP cannot connect to the specified server because of a cryptographic configuration mismatch between peer and this system. Check your SSL options and ensure that they are compatible between server and client. For example, ECDSA clients may not be able to connect to an RSA certified server.
0064 Error SSL could not obtain a certificate from the peer on this link. The local end is configured to require a trust in the peer. The peer is not providing an identity certificate that can be checked. Confirm that the peer's configuration matches your connection requirements.
0065 Error SSL Configuration Error, All connection methods disabled - could not connect. The local SSL options are incorrectly configured to enable a connection between server and client. Try extending the range of ciphers and/or protocols used in the server configuration.
0066 Error CCITCP SSL_accept call failed due to invalid client credentials. The connecting client does not have the required certificated credentials resulting in the connection being rejected. Correct the client configuration or reduce the server's peer checking requirements.
0067 Error An error was found in the 'publicname' parameter syntax.
0068 Error An error was found in the 'machinename' parameter syntax.
0069 Error SSL Configuration requires a CA Root certificate, none was found.
0070 Error SSL Configuration error, ID certificate file not found or corrupted.
0071 Error SSL Configuration error, ID certificate format not acceptable.
0072 Error SSL Configuration error, ID certificate password incorrect.
0073 Error SSL Configuration error, ID private keyfile not found or corrupted. If the wrong password is used with some types of keyfile then this error message is returned instead of 74. Check the password being used is correct. If the password is correct, check that the keyfile has not been corrupted.
0074 Error SSL Configuration error, ID keyfile password incorrect.
0075 Error SSL Configuration error, Password incorrect or Certificate and Keyfiles do not match
0076 Error SSL Server connection context error, internal error.
0077 Error SSL Connection error, Peer ID certificate location content and actual address do not match.
0078 Error SSL Connection error, peer certificate has no subject field content.
0079 Error SSL Connection error, peer certificate has no issuer detail - cannot verify with a CA issuer
0080 Warning SSL Connection error, peer certificate has no revocation list address. This can be ignored if you do not require certificate revocation list checking. To avoid this warning, modify your certificate to contain the correct information fields to support revocation checks.
0089 Error SSL Configuration error, Invalid or unsupported SSL/TLS Protocol. Check the protocol list configuration.
0090 Error SSL Configuration error, Invalid SSL/TLS Cipher List. Check the cipher list configuration with the OpenSSL cipher list specification.
0091 Error SSL Configuration error, Invalid ECC curve list. Check that you are using a valid range of ECC curve definitions for products that support a per-connection initial ECC curve specification.