seegetmi: Get machine information


seegetmi parameter parameter . . 

Retrieves the machine event logs, TCP usage, and process information from machines.

The seegetmi command harvests this information and places them into a set of files prefixed by the machine name from which they were obtained. An event monitor process is used to broker the requests.

By default, the event monitor on the local machine is used to retrieve the information from all machines that have an event monitor on them which are registered in the cross region database. However, you can use command line parameters to customize this process.


Do not display utility welcome and copyright messages.
The name of the machine where an event monitor is running, that will co-ordinate the trace retrieval process. Specify <port> if the event monitor on the target machine is not listening on the default 9186 port.
The default is localhost:9186.
Name of the database server instance that hosts the region database. For example:
Default database server on the local machine: -usedb
Default database server on the local machine, identical to -usedb: -usedb:(local)
Specific database server on the local machine: -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS
Default database server instance on a specific machine (SC1 used in example) -usedb:SC1
Specific database server instance on a specific machine (SC1, SQLEXPRESS used in example for machine name, database server name) -usedb:SC1\SQLEXPRESS
Note: Parameter values are not case sensitive.
The command output displays all of the messages that the command generates.
seegetmi -usedb:(local)\SQLEXPRESS 
- Generates machine information output from all event monitors registered in the cross-region database. It uses the local event monitor to broker the requests.