There are various
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET component combinations possible for machines in a scaled out installation. For example:
- A machine configured with a listener only operates with configurations 2 and 5, or with configurations 3, 4, and 5. Network
load balancers manage traffic between the listener and the dispatchers on the other machines in the installation.
- A machine configured with an event monitor, a dispatcher and one or more SEPs operates with configurations 1 and 5.
- A machine configured with an event monitor and a dispatcher operate with configurations 1, 4, and 5. Network load balancers
manage traffic between:
- The listeners and the dispatcher.
- The dispatcher and the SEPs on a configuration 4 machine.
- As described in configuration 3, a machine configured with an event monitor and an SEP operates with configurations 1, 3,
and 5.
- You can configure the installation's database server on a single machine, or it can operate over multiple machines.