{preprocess | p}(cobsql) [[[{cobsqltype|csqlt}=preCompiler] [COBSQLopts] {end-cobsql|end-c|end} [PreCompilerOpts endp]]
cob -C "{preprocess | p}(cobsql) [[[{cobsqltype|csqlt}==preCompiler] [COBSQLopts] {end-cobsql|end-c|end}] [PreCompilerOpts endp]]"
cobsql must be in lower case. (applies to UNIX environments only)
end-c and endp have the following effect:
cobol testprog p(cobsql) csqlt=ora makesyn end-c xref=yes mode=ansi endp list()
The COBSQL directives, terminated by end-c, are csqlt=ora and makesyn. The precompiler directives (in this case, Pro*COBOL), terminated by endp, are xref=yes and mode=ansi. The COBOL compiler directive is list().
cobol sample.pco anim preprocess(cobsql) cstart cstop csqlt=ora end-c comp5=yes endp;
The COBOL compiler directive specified is anim. The COBSQL directives, initiated by preprocess(cobsql) and terminated by end-c, are cstart cstop and csqlt=ora. The precompiler directive (in this case, Pro*COBOL), terminated by endp, is comp5=yes. The semicolon (;) indicates the end of the command line.
cob –k testprog.pco –C "p(cobsql) csqlt==ora makesyn end-c xref==yes mode==ansi endp ans85"
The COBSQL directives, terminated by end-c, are csqlt==ora and makesyn. The precompiler directives (in this case, Pro*COBOL), terminated by endp, are xref==yes and mode==ansi. The COBOL compiler directive is ans85.
cob -k sample.pco anim "preprocess(cobsql) csqlt==ora end-c comp5==yes endp"
The COBOL compiler directive specified is anim. The COBSQL directive, initiated by preprocess(cobsql) and terminated by end-c, is csqlt==ora. The precompiler directive (in this case, Pro*COBOL), terminated by endp, is comp5==yes.
cobol example1.pco confirm preprocess(cobsql) cstop csp cobsqltype=sybase preprocess(cp) sy endp;
cob -a -v -P -k example1.pco -C "p(cobsql) CSQLT==syb endp"
cob -a -k -C "p(cobsql) cobsqltype==informix-new endp"