Using an XML Job Schedule Format for Unsupported Job Schedules

Use the Enterprise Analyzer XML job schedule format to define unsupported job schedules. The XML file must have a .jsx extension. An annotated sample appears below.

 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
    This is an annotated sample job schedule definition.
    The main purpose of this file is to document the format.
    It is not suitable for testing, as no attempt was made to keep
    it internally consistent.

    The document-level element is the job-schedule. This element is
    required, though the domain reference and name are ignored by  EA.    

    domain          (required) - name of domain.
                                 Ignored by EA. 
    name            (required) - name of the job schedule.
                                 Ignored by EA.
    source-ref-type (optional) - default is internal.
                                 Specify "external" if this document
                                 contains references to source
                                 locations in external source files.
                                 Otherwise the schedule loader                                
                                 generates source reference to this
<job-schedule domain="SP1" name="mainJobSchedule" source-ref-type="external">
        source-lib elements define libraries or directories that
        contain source files.

        Source files are used here for two purposes.

        - if this file refers to external source files, e.g., reports
          from a job scheduling system, the source files must be
          identified by source-lib and source-file elements.

        - if jcl-lib elements are used to specify JCL source
          libraries, the libraries must be identified by
          source-lib elements.

        For use in EA, the form using path is used.

        Either path must be specified or both domain and name must
        be specified.

        id     (required)  - unique identifier for the source-lib.
                             The id attribute must be unique among
                             all id attributes in this document.
        path   (see above) - path to a directory containing source

    <source-lib id="sl1" domain="SP1" name="SYS1.PROCLIB"/>
    <source-lib id="sl2" domain="SP1" name="APPL1.JCLLIB"/>
    <source-lib id="sl3" path="c:\source\jcl\sys1.proclib"/>

         Source files are identified by name and refer to the
         containing library.

         Source file elements must appear before any source-ref
         elements that reference them.

         id     (required) - unique identifier for the source file.
                             The id attribute must be unique within
                             all id attributes in this document.
         libref (required) - id of the associated source-lib element.
                             The source-lib element must appear before
                             any source-file elements that
                             reference it.
         name   (required) - name of the source file.
    <source-file id="sf1" libref="sl2" name="report.ctm"/>

        jcl-libs (and the nested jcl-lib elements identify an order
        list of source libraries that are to be searched to resolve
        references to JCL.

        jcl-lib element are not used in this release of EA. We plan 
        to add this support in an upcoming release. These elements 
        are included here for completeness.
        <jcl-lib libref="sl1"/>
        <jcl-lib libref="sl2"/>

        job-stream element starts a job stream definition.

        name - name of the job stream. It must
               be unique within all job stream names within the
        desc - description.
    <job-stream name="DAILYOP" desc="Daily order processing">
            The documentation nested element can be used with
            job-schedule, job-stream, job-exec, predecessor,
            event, and manual-operation elements to provied more
            extensive documentation than is provided by the desc
            This element can be nested under other elements and is 
            used to provide more extensive information than is 
            included in the description field.

            source-ref (source reference) elements can appear as
            nested elements for job-schedule, job-stream, job-exec,
            predecessor, manual-operation, and external-predecessor

            refid     - (required) id of a source-file element.
            line      - (required) starting line number in source 
                        file (first line is 1).
            col       - (optional) starting column number within the
                        line (first column is 1).
                        If omitted, column 1 is assumed.
            endline   - (optional) end line. if omitted, starting
                        line is assumed.
            endcolumn - (optional) end column. If omitted, last
                        character of endline is assumed.
        <source-ref refid="sf1" line="100" col="1" endline="102" endcol="70"/>

            job-exec (job execution) element. defines the execution of a job
            within a job stream.

            name    - (required) name of the job execution. Must 
                      be unique among all job executions,
                      manual operations, and events within the job
                      stream, within the schedule.
            jobname - (required) name of the JCL member to be 
            desc    - (optional) description of the job execution.
        <job-exec name="job1" jobname="job1" desc="Description">

                The predecessor nested element specifies a 
                dependency on another job stream operation
                (another job-exec, external-predecessor, manual
                operation, or event.
            <predecessor name="mo1">

                    attr elements can be nested within most other 
                    elements. Specifically, attr elements can be
                    contained by predecessor, external-predecessor,
                    job-exec, manual-operation, and event. attr
                    elements are never required but can be used to
                    provide values that are, for example, specific
                    to a particular job scheduling system.

                    The exact processing of these values varies with
                    the specific implementation. The XML schedule
                    loader keeps these values as named attributes of
                    the parent object.

                    The dep.type nested element for predecessor can 
                    have one of the following values: GENERAL,
                    EXCLUSION, TRIGGER.
                <attr name="dep.type" value="GENERAL"/>

                External predecessor elements can be nested under
                job-exec and manual-operation elements to indicate
                a predecessor that is not in the current job stream.

                All attributes are required, though some may be 
                ignored by EA.

                name     - name of this external-predecessor. Must 
                           be unique among all job-exec manual-
                           operation, event, and external-predecessor
                           elements in the job stream.
                domain   - containing domain. Ignored by EA.
                sched    - containing schedule. Ignored by EA.
                stream   - containing job stream.
                opername - name of the operation (job-exec,
                           manual-operation, or event) in the external
                           job stream.
            <external-predecessor name="ep1" domain="dom1" sched="sch1" 
             stream="strname" opername="ref1"/>
            The manual-operation element defines a manual operation.

            It can have predecessor and external-predecessor 
            nested elements.

            name - (required). The name of the operation must be 
                   unique within manual-operation, job-exec, and 
                   even elements within the job stream.
        <manual-operation name="JobPrep" desc="Description">
        <event name="Event1" desc="description" type="evtype">