Data Express version 4.0 WrapPack 23 includes the following new features:
- This version of
Data Express is compatible with Suse 11, and supports the Windows 10 operating system.
- Support for RRDS files has been added.
- The ODBC extension supports writing output in the form of a text file from the Oracle masking and subsetting process.
- DB2 catalog synchronization supports getting a record number from SELECT COUNT (*) rather than from the DB2 catalog.
- Flexible features such as substringing and adding prefixes and suffixes have been added to combined data elements functionality.
- For z/OS only, a new feature enables you to set a limit to the number of written records in a subsetting method.
- The WrapPack installation process in this release is easier and cleaner in comparison to previous releases.
- Format selector programs have been made more flexible by enabling them to call an API to retrieve a data store name, thus
also enabling them to share same format selector for different data stores.
- XML masking under z/OS now supports the DSNTIAUL format.
- A new batch function has been added to enable distributed exports outside of the user interface.
- User roles and associated capabilities have been added.