The JCLs are built starting from CBTESUB2 skeleton, which can be customized. The structure of the skeleton comprises a single part that is repeated once in the created JCLs, and is delimited by the following keywords:
//* UNLOAD ELABORATION and //* UNLOAD END ELABORATION, by the keywords: //* SINGLE FILE ELABORATION and //* SINGLE FILE END ELABORATION and by the keywords: //* DELETE ELABORATION and //* DELETE END ELABORATION is repeated for each file. |
In the skeleton some variables are used, and they are changed into the JCL values using the values stored in the Knowledge Base or included in the launch parameters.
The following table describes the used variables:
Variable | Description |
Name of the submitted job |
User who is submitting the job |
&URDB2 |
DB2 subsystem where the product is installed |
DB2 plan of the product |
DB2 load library |
DB2 runlib library |
sceerun library |
First qualifier of the product libraries |
Second qualifier of the product customization libraries |
Second qualifier of the product PTF libraries |
Second qualifier of the product libraries |
Name of the first program of the batch chain |
Input parameter Machine |
Input parameter Company |
Input parameter Method |
Input parameter Group |
Input parameter From Step |
Input parameter To Step |
Input parameter Simulation |
Input parameter Discard Unchanged Fields |
Input parameter Run deletion |
Input parameter Run extraction |
DD name automatically generated by the product |
Name of the unload file generated from image copy |
Progressive number |
Record length for the unload file generated from image copy |
DB2 owner of the product tables |
First qualifier of the product libraries |
Second qualifier of the product libraries |
Image copy data set |
Unload file generated from image copy |
Owner of the original table |
Name of the original table |
Name of the database of the original table |
Name of the tablespace of the original table |
Primary quantity |
&CYL |
(if the space is less than a cylinder) or CYL |
Secondary quantity |
First part of the temporary data set names |
Second part of the temporary data set names |
It is actualized with the JCL name |