Note that the Classification number is 1. By default all data stores are assigned a Classification number of 1, which means that sampling is enabled. Classification numbers are used to restrict the data stores that get sampled and to and to provide further granularity in restricting which data stores get sampled as based on user-defined criteria. When sampling the data stores within your work environment, all enabled data stores with Classification number values of 1 will be sampled. To disable sampling, change the Classification number to 0 in the Properties – File window or right-click the row for the data store in the Work with Data Stores and click Disable Sampling.
The data store remains enabled as long as the Classification number is not 0. However, just because sampling is enabled does not mean that the data store is a candidate for sampling as this is controlled by the Classification number specified in the Secondary Options for the job that submits the JCL. If the Classification number set for the data store is less than or equal to the Classification number specified in the Distributed Sampler, the data store will be sampled. Likewise, if the data store Classification number is greater than the Classification number in the Distributed Sampler, the data store will not be sampled.
The following list describes the sampling Options:
Produces the data element fingerprint. The fingerprint graphically shows the distribution of values within a given range for the sampled data element. The fingerprints for numeric and alphanumeric data elements differ in that the fingerprint for an alphanumeric data element shows the distribution of values based on the first character and provides additional information.
Displays information for each data element value including the number of times each value occurred and the percentage that value represents in the total population.
Displays the minimum and maximum values for the data element.