The HSSYSCOL table is used for SYSCOLUMNS views. The following table describes the columns in the HSSYSCOL table:
Column | Type | Length | Decimal | Domain |
NAME | CHAR | 128 | 0 | Column Name |
TBNAME | CHAR | 128 | 0 | Table Name |
TBCREATOR | CHAR | 128 | 0 | Creator name |
COLNO | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | Numeric place of the column |
COLTYPE | CHAR | 8 | 0 | Column Type |
LENGTH | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | Column length |
SCALE | CHAR | 1 | 0 | Scale of decimal data |
NULLS | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | Whether the column can contain null values |
COLCARDS | INTEGER | 4 | 0 | |
HIGH2KEY | CHAR | 8 | 0 | Second highest value of the column |
LOW2KEY | CHAR | 8 | 0 | Second lowest value of the column |
UPDATES | CHAR | 1 | 0 | Whether the column can be updated |
IBMREQID | CHAR | 1 | 0 | |
REMARKS | VARCHAR | 254 | 0 | A character string provided by the user |
DEFAULT | CHAR | 1 | 0 | Default Value |
KEYSEQ | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | The numeric position of the column within the primary key of the table |
FOREIGNKEY | CHAR | 1 | 0 | Applies to character or CLOB columns |
FLDPROC | CHAR | 1 | 0 | Whether the column has a field procedure |
LABEL | VARCHAR | 30 | 0 | The column label provided by the user |
STATSTIME | TIMESTAMP | 4 | 0 | RUNSTAT statisctics |
DEFAULTVALUE | VARCHAR | 254 | 0 | Default Value |
LENGTH2 | SMALLINT | 4 | 0 | Maximum length of the data retrieved from the column |