Before verifying C/C++ files:
- On the
Verification > Settings tab of the Workspace Options, list the folders for include files used by the application (either original folders or folders
CA, if the include files were registered).
Tip: You can also specify these folders in the verification options for a project, in which case
CA looks only at the folders for the project.
- On the Verification > Settings tab of the Workspace Options, enter the parameters used to compile the application in the
C/C++ Parser Parameters field. For example, the parameters would be -D_DEBUG -D_UNICODE -D_WINDLL -D_DLL for an MFC application.
Tip: You can also specify these parameters in the verification options for a project, in which case only the project parameters
are used for verification.
- On the Verification tab of the Project Options, select
Use Precompiled Header File if you want the parser to use a precompiled header file when it verifies the project. In the adjacent field, enter the full
path of the header file. Do not specify the file extension. Using a precompiled header file may improve verification performance
Note: The content of the header file must appear in both a .c or .cpp file
and a .h file. The precompiled header file need not have been used to compile the application.
- On the Boundary Decisions tab of the Workspace Options, specify the resource types for method calls your application uses
to interface with databases, message queues, or other resources.