The Find functionality lets you do a plain text search in the repository files. The results are displayed in the Found Results tab in the Repository Browser. You can select to view the results by folder structure or object types. Drilling down the results tree, you can see the object name as well as the specific line of code where the searched text is.
To use this functionality, go to Find All.
, type a text and clickBefore you click Find All, you can select various options such as skipping comments from the search or matching the whole words and/or the case of the searched text. You can also specify the search mode, i.e. whether to search for plain text, regular expressions and wildcards.
If you want to further specify your search, click Advanced Find. Here you can select the type of objects in which to search depending on their parse status: unverified, verified with errors, verified with relaxed parser and verified successfully. You can also specify the scope of the search (workspace or selection), the project where to search and an object name.
You can additionally customize the text search functionality from
. In this tab you can set the following options: