Interactive Analysis panes described in this chapter offer a set of complementary views of legacy source code. Together these views provide all
the information you need to understand the context of a program item:
- The Source pane displays view-only source for the selected file.
- The Context pane displays the same code in hierarchical form, in a parse tree that defines the relationships between the code
constructs that comprise the source.
- The Objects pane lists the files in the project. Select a file to open it in the Source or Context panes.
- The Watch pane displays program context in summary fashion, showing, in a single view, object model context for the selected
source file and construct model context for the selected construct.
- The Screen pane displays the screen object defined in the selected map file, complementing the "bottom-up" analysis of application
business processes in the Source and Context panes with a "top-down" view that lets you navigate quickly to an item of interest.