Each relationship the parser generates is an instance of a relationship
type. You need to define these types in the extended metamodel. If you are adding support for Objective C, for example, you would
define a relationship type that represents the relationship between an Objective C source file and an Objective C function.
Click the
Relations button in Architecture Modeler and choose
Add New in the drop-down menu. The Add New Relation window opens.
In the Add New Relation window, fill in the properties of the relationship type. Architecture Modeler flags any errors with
Note: Do not enter spaces in the Name property.
When you are satisfied with your entries, click
Assuming there are no errors in your entries, Architecture Modeler saves the relationship type definition, and displays the
relationship type in the list of relationship types in the righthand pane of the window.
Note: Select a relationship type and click
Relations > Edit to modify its definition. Select a relationship type and click
Relations > Delete to delete the definition.