AD Bridge extends Active Directory (AD) capabilities further by adding a web console to oversee and manage policies and agents. The web console also displays information in figures and charts. This simplifies management and delivers analytics that demonstrate the effectiveness and reach of AD Bridge.
You can identify and manage domain joined Linux devices (both on premises and cloud), on a browser to improve security and provide better visibility into the AD Bridge infrastructure from any supported device and location. Thus, this single dashboard centralizes device and policy management beyond your organization as well.
To add a web console, you must first set up your web server in Microsoft Azure. The web console displays the following category types with charts:
Devices: You can view and manage environment, agents versions and connection types across the AD Bridge infrastructure and devices.
NOTE:You can link an available Universal Policy to a selected device.
Policies: You can view and manage Linux and Windows policies and also create Universal Policies or import existing policies from a GPO in Active Directory and save them as universal policies. You can also:
Modify, approve, deploy (to agent machines) and export (to AD as GPOs) existing policies
Delete policies
Refresh policies