客户支持工程师 (ASE) 提供一流的个性化支持,从问题识别到问题解决全程支持。在工作时间内,可通过电话联系客户支持工程师。
特派支持工程师 (DSE) 把为您的企业提供服务和支持作为自己的第一要务。他们解决问题、执行前瞻性维护、与我们的资源密切配合来解决问题,还可以为您的企业提供现场支持。DSE 为您提供最强大的支持服务。
主支持工程师 (PSE) 为您解决现有问题并为您的业务系统提供主动维护。因为主支持工程师只负责少数几个客户,所以他们可以留出更多的时间为您服务,并与您的企业建立更加个性化的技术支持关系。在这一年里,主支持工程师将定期做现场参观,提供恰当的维护计划,该计划可通过手机全天候使用,以便应对紧急状况。我们的主支持工程师的工作地点位于各大城市,与我们的现场办公室相隔不远,这便于他们与客户保持紧密联系,同时与我们的支持基础设施紧密链接。
*访问时间由客户的维护支持级别决定。虽然 ASE 的提供时间为 12x5(5 天 12 小时),但如果客户拥有全天候维护计划,那么他们可以联系全天候支持中心,由另一位工程师协助解决问题,然后再在工作时间将问题报告给 ASE。
事实表明,对我们的客户而言,个性化的客户管理意义重大。您的客户服务经理 (SAM) 与您的企业建立密切合作关系,从而深入了解您的技术支持需求。客户服务经理以支持者的身份,代表您的企业协调支持人员所付出的努力,并且推动企业以尽可能短的时间解决关键问题。
每当您需要报告问题,SAM 就会成为您的单点联系人,确保尽快圆满解决您的问题,同时保持正常运营,因此,您能够尽快让系统恢复正常,让最终用户尽快重新投入工作。
SAM 不但可以根据您的需求尽快做出响应,还可以积极主动地协助您规划未来的技术项目、身份培训需求等等。您的 SAM 会定期安排会议或召开视频会议,查看您的支持历史。
在服务回顾期间,您可以提出您遇到的支持难题,SAM 稍后会帮助您解决这些问题。SAM 会根据您的历史记录和反馈进行观测,或者给出关于培训机遇、流程改进、健康状况检查、现场参观等其他活动的建议,以帮助您改进业务运营。
对于较为严重或复杂的问题,您可能需要向高级支持工程师寻求更高级别的服务。利用优势事件服务包,您可以直接、快速地联系专家,了解您所面临的紧急事件的具体数量。在当地的工作时间期间,高级支持工程师会在 1 小时之内受理您遇到的支持问题。您可以自由选择何时使用常规支持渠道,何时使用优势事件渠道,确保在您的企业需要时,提供额外保障。
注意:所有服务包的有效时间均为 12 个月
Undertaking system maintenance or implementing a new solution—making any system change at all, can be a high–risk operation. And even though these tasks are necessary, they are not your top priority. This work cannot interrupt the processes that drive your business. With Scheduled Standby, you can arrange for an experienced technical support engineer to be available at a specific time and date, outside of business hours, to be available while you perform system repairs, updates or maintenance.
With our Scheduled Standby service, you can receive access to a technical support expert for a 4-hour block of time. The engineer with the skills and expertise best suited to assist will be available at precisely the right time. Prior to your scheduled on-call support, you can arrange to talk to this expert to discuss your planned changes. During this time, the support engineer becomes familiar with your
system and offers advice on preparing for and implementing the system changes. Time spent with you before you make your changes will also prepare the support engineer to optimize assistance during the actual standby period, helping you prevent surprises and reduce time and costs.
Scheduled Standby comes with a 15-minute target response: at any time during your maintenance, you can contact your Scheduled Standby engineer and get the expert response you need within the allotted time. You'll make system changes with ease, and by the start of the next business day, have your systems up and running at optimal performance levels. (Availability varies per product).
With tightening IT budgets, you want to get the most from your IT infrastructure. You understand it is more cost effective to optimize your existing systems than to redesign or replace them; and more proactive to maintain your systems than to respond to down-time. We can help. Take advantage of our Health Check service, a formal review and analysis of your environment. One or more highly experienced technical support engineers will review configuration, patch currency, and other factors to identify any problems or areas needing improvement. If you have concerns about certain areas, the Health Check team will assess them in particular depth.
After this analysis, the team will prepare a report for you that offers technical recommendations specific to your environment and business issues. The Health Check team designs its recommendations to help you improve your network manageability, which leads to enhanced performance. The report will include recommendations for enhancements, upgrades and configuration improvements. If you choose to transform your environment, we can work with you at every step. Our talented support engineers help smooth the way by eliminating implementation glitches and getting intimately acquainted with your systems and business. And after your solution is in place, you can continue to rely on us. We combine our unique knowledge of your business with a wide range of Premium Support options, from phone support to dedicated on-site resources.
When the unexpected occurs, we can send an expert to help you bring your systems back online. On-Site Support delivers highly skilled and focused resources when you need them, without the cost of hiring or training staff. Our On-Site Support engineer can also work alongside your team during and directly following planned system changes. If your environment is complex, you may choose to purchase time with multiple engineers, each with a different area of expertise. In addition, all On-Site Support engineers have access to the expertise of our entire technical support organization and the latest product and troubleshooting information.
Your staff members will also learn best practices from our On–Site Support engineers, enabling them to quickly and efficiently solve future problems. You will be able to lower IT costs and heighten productivity throughout the department because you will reduce downtime and spend more time focused on strategic initiatives, ensuring you maintain a distinct advantage over your competitors. (Availability varies).
For solution design and large implementation projects, learn more about Micro Focus Consulting.
Note: All Packages expire in 12 months